Tuesday, January 31, 2012

What day is it anyway?

Usually I'm on vacation when I can't recall the day of the week but somehow, despite the fact that I'm NOT sitting by a pool in the shade of a palm tree or sipping a frozen fruity cocktail, it's happened again.  Yes, it's Tuesday which means I skipped over Monday and have some catching up to do.  Here goes:

1.  I'm thankful for friends who entrust me with their deepest, darkest secrets and those who give me sneak peeks into upcoming projects!  Mums the word, cross my heart!!

2.  I'm thankful for living in a town that's so small I can wave to no fewer than five parent friends on the way to school on any given day.

3.  In regards to #2: I'm thankful for baseball caps!

4.  I'm thankful for being invited to book group tonight so I can chat with others equally entrenched in the Hunger Games craze.  I'll finish book #3 today and will be sad to leave the lives of Katniss, Peeta, and Gail...but excited for the movie coming in March!  Watch the trailer HERE!

5.  I'm thankful after a couple extra days of fixes our new fireplace is complete!  Bring on the marshmallows!

6.  I'm thankful for online ordering and delivery.

7.  I'm thankful for Twining's Christmas Tea with honey and the caffeine within which will help me accomplish several extra tasks today.

8.  I'm thankful for deadlines, without which many of my projects would remain unfinished!

9.  I'm thankful a certain younger sister will be surrounded by her friends today as she returns to school.

10.  I'm thankful for "Daddy Boot Camp" which, in my absence, got my son to try two new vegetables (and like them!) and my daughter to stay in her room at night...even if it means she now sleeps in a tent!

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