Saturday, December 31, 2011

With Gratitude...

Created by Michelle Guido
I was out with some friends last night and while the men bellied up to the bar, the women began discussing our, shall we say, character flaws?

While I know I have plenty myself (a shock to my DH no doubt! HA!) it was nice to hear that my girlfriends and I share a few which led us onto the topic of how being grateful can change your entire outlook.

I know, I know, you've all heard this before with Oprah's Gratitude Joural (which I did on and off, mostly off for a stint some fifteen years ago when my mom gave me a copy of Sarah Ban Breathnach's book, Simple Abundance: A Daybook of Comfort and Joy) but perhaps it bears repeating.  Or at the very least reminding.

As a crafter at heart I decided to share some of my favorite cards on the subject with a few of my own gratitudes. I won't list them all. Actually, it's harder to do than you might think! So I'll follow Sarah Ban Breathnach's suggestion of starting with just five. 

Created by Rose Kerry

1. I am grateful every single day that I am married to my husband.  He is an amazing man and though I don't express it in my words or actions often enough, I treasure our life together and I love him with all my heart.

Created by Stephanie Fitch

2.  It's been said, "Friends come into your life for a reason, a season, or a lifetime."  It's taken me a while to realize it's okay, and even necessary, to let some friends leave our lives!  I am incredibly grateful for all the friends in my life right now.  I won't embarrass anyone with names, but you know who you are.  Thank you, my dear friend, for coming into my life....I love you!
Click HERE for the full reason, season, lifetime passage!

Created by Jennifer Jones

3.  Question time.  Is it weird to be grateful for mistakes I've made?  I wouldn't normally think of a mistake as something to think positively about.  In fact, "the old Amy" would harp on it day after day after day til she beat herself into oblivion.  However, aren't mistakes actually opportunities for change?  Isn't it through mistakes we can learn valuable life lessons?  So yes, dammit, I AM happy any mistakes I've made have brought me where I am today! :-)

4. Starbuck's Caramel Apple Spice!  

Affectionately named in my house "Heaven in a Sip", this drink is like having liquid Apple Pie....YUM!!!  An extra bonus is in doing the "research" for this gratitude, I've discovered it's not all that high in fat!  Sugar, yes, but that won't stop me from pulling up to the window to order another!  LOL


My two sweeties
5. I'm eternally grateful my two wonderful-in-their-own-way children can laugh at their mommy being silly.  Moments like dancing in the kitchen or singing LOUD together in the car, are among my favorites.  I know as they get older (not me, just them, btw) I'll become less cool in their eyes, but for now, I lovingly accept all the giggles!

Tomorrow is January 1st.  Looks like I'll be cracking open Sarah's book at the perfect time.  Feel free to share your gratitudes with me in a link, email, or comment.  I think writing them down really does change your outlook because I'm feeling more grateful right now!  Happy New Year everyone!