Sunday, January 15, 2012

Déjà vu

I find myself having to play catch up for two days again. Here goes....

1. I couldn't be more ecstatic Mike from Apple called to say everything was recovered and my computer is fixed. Would it be considered inappropriate to give my new best friend a smooch when I pick it up tomorrow??

2. I'm grateful for my sister-in-law who took the kids for a few hours so I could get a thing or two accomplished. Alas, there's never enough time in the day....

3. I'm grateful for our friends who invited us over tonight for football, food and fun! Everyone needs friends who make you laugh--turns out Siri is pretty humorous as well!

4. I'm grateful my daughter has been going to bed and staying there--even if it means she has to sleep backwards!

5. I'm grateful for my family's health.

1. I'm honored to have had a heart-to-heart phone conversation with a dear friend--that she feels comfortable to confide in me means so much.

2. Happy to have a friend over for my son which kept both my kids and the friend laughing and playing for hours without even stopping for a snack. Thank you Lego!

3. Happy to have enough free time to curl up with a blanket, a cup of tea, and a good book! Reading is a luxury I haven't afforded myself lately but I working on it!

4. Grateful for my Kindle which allows me to put the second book in the trilogy in my hands without ever leaving home!

5. Lastly, I'm grateful my children let me be this morning until 8:00am before their daily demands began.

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