Friday, November 20, 2015

Breaking down the big, hairy, scary goals.

My child recently looked at me with that look of panic in the eyes while trying to complete a homework assignment. I could hear the thoughts without the words ever being uttered, "It's too hard. I can't do this. I'm going to fail." 

We all have those thoughts, and in the moment they can feel devastating. So I tell my child what I try to tell myself when I need it, "those that CREATE success have one thing in common: they break down their big hairy scary monster of a goal into smaller more manageable goals."

Whether it's completing a major school assignment, getting a new client at work, or losing weight and getting healthy, the steps to success are fundamentally the same. 

For example, if you want to lose 50 pounds you may think it'll never happen. But consider how much easier it would seem if you narrowed your focus to losing those first 10 pounds. If that seems too far off, break it down further to five, maybe even one pound, or perhaps simply celebrate that first 30-minute workout you made it all the way through even if you had to modify some of the exercises. Breaking down our big hairy scary goals into smaller ones gives us a sense of accomplishment which allows us to keep moving ahead. 

Together, my child and I took a deep breath and decided what the first step should be. It wasn't too long after when that same child looked up at me with those big excited brown eyes and exclaimed, "I'm done!" (Insert choir of angels here.)

When you're a kid, or frankly anyone who has a big hairy scary monster of a goal, it seems so incredibly daunting, if not altogether impossible, at the start. Doubt is a powerful thing. Believe in yourself. That's the key. Believe in yourself and you WILL get there. I believe in you. xo