Confession time. I ate a lot of cookies over the holidays. I also made and ate A LOT of my very favorite chocolate/peanut butter bars (not the "healthy" granola kind either, in case you were wondering). The kind made with butter and powdered sugar, and other not-so-great things. I couldn't stop myself. They just teased me sitting on my counter, or in my fridge, and even later when I moved them to my freezer. Who was I kidding with that move anyway?
Am I the only person who thinks it's better to eat all the crap themselves than, God forbid, throw it away and (gasp!) waste perfectly good food? I know I'm not alone here. Please, tell me I'm not.
Ironically, I watched the documentary "Fed Up" last night which discussed the growing obesity rate in America, Diabetes in children, and the general overuse and addiction of sugar. One thing that struck me was a study which showed lab mice being given a choice between cocaine and sugar water, and they chose the sugar water...every time. All of a sudden I realized I am the little white mouse and instead of sugar water it's kettle corn. (Not the microwave kind. This junk food junkie has her standards after all. The pre-made variety as if it came from the county fair. If only. At least then the indulgence would be but once a year.) I had to stop buying it or I'd eat the entire bag...every time. It's not surprising to hear sugar can be considered as harmful as a drug. As it turns out I, too, am fed up. With myself.
So why am I telling you this? Well, for one, if you say a goal out loud or write it down then you are more likely to stick to it. Also, I need to admit to myself, I have a problem. I am addicted to unhealthy sweets. There, I said it.
Am I obese? No. Far from it some would say. But can I say with 100% certainty I am healthy on the inside though I appear so on the outside? I cannot.
Therefore, starting now, I will not eat the crap just because it's there.
I have will power and WILL resist the temptations that come my way. Damn. I just remembered I have Bunco in two days and there is always a treat within reach, but no matter...
I will stay strong.
Will I be perfect? Probably not. And that's okay.
I will make better choices.
I will become a healthier eater.
Because I am worth it.
And so are you. xo