Sunday, January 19, 2014

When did everything become such a problem?

I'm not sure when it happened exactly, but seemingly overnight an overwhelming majority of people (under the age of thirty mostly, but don't hold me to it) have swapped the polite and simple phrase of "you're welcome" for a new turn of phrase: 

"No problem." 

If you've not yet experienced this phenomenon, well, you need to get out more. 

It's everywhere.

Give it a try the next time you're at the deli counter in your local supermarket. 

Order your half pound of what have you and say "thank you" as it's passed to you over the counter. I guarantee nine out of ten times the response you will hear will be, "no problem." 

Hearing this in retail is where it irks me the most. 

No problem? Really? You're doing your job. One for which you are being paid. 

So, I ask you, where exactly is the problem? 

Why add a negative connotation to something where there shouldn't be one? 

Perhaps it's the English major in me. But it's maddening, I tell you, MADDENING!

Recently I was at the doctor's office and the nurse asked me if I was taking any medications. I told her and she said, "no problem." 


Are we so ingrained all of a sudden with using this particular word choice we are now applying it everywhere, even when it makes no sense? 

Or was that her way of thanking me for answering a simple question? 

The worst part is I've actually caught myself using it too! 

After doing a favor for a friend, instead of just saying, "you're welcome," I heard myself uttering those dreaded two words. 

As soon as they brushed past my lips, I cringed. 

I wanted to call them back in, but it was too late. 

And, for me, that was a problem.