Friday, October 19, 2012

Breakfast at Amy's

I'm sure if my friends were polled they'd say I have my shit pretty much together. I live in a nice house, I wear decent clothes, blah, blah, blah. But, like most people, or so I hope, I often run around like the proverbial chicken with it's head cut off when prepping for guests. I recently invited a few friends over for breakfast. A get together for my local mom friends. This is how the day began:

Daughter:      "Mom, I'm scared."

Me:               "You'll be fine, but let me be clear, you HAVE to get on the bus today.
                      I CAN NOT drive you to school."

Daughter:      "Why not?" (complete with tears and exhausting eight-year-old drama)

Me:               "Because I'm having friends over this morning and have too much to do to drive you and get back home to do everything I need to do."

Daughter:     (more crying)

I'll save you the agonizing details of the next 30 minutes which it took to get her dressed, make lunches, offer food, and convince my daughter to get herself on the school bus. In the end, she did it. The bus came on time, whisking my children off to school, leaving me with an ample 85 minutes before my friends started arriving.

7:35 - 8:00 am: Preheat the oven and straighten the house, picking up the various articles of clothing and breakfast dishes left on the counter or tossed in the sink by my kids.  Doesn't anyone else know how to locate a dishwasher?

Now if you don't know the following about me, you haven't been reading my blog posts. Either that or your memory is as failing as mine as previously discussed in My Brain is Fried.

"Hi, my name is Amy, and I am a procrastinator."

As much as I try, (okay, trying might be a little bit of a stretch but just go with it) I can't seem to change my evil procrastinating ways.  Regardless, I did in fact pre-assemble the night before one of the egg dishes I planned to serve. Granted, it was required by the recipe to sit overnight. Otherwise I'd surely be scrambling (no pun intended) to do that the morning in question as well but, yes, pre-made nonetheless.  Yay, Me!  Also, I have awesome friends who were bringing lots and lots of goodies to devour during our gathering so I had only one other item to bake. I spent the next 20 minutes making another egg dish for my gluten-free friends and readying my house one last time for their arrival.

8:30 am:       Yikes, time to shower...dress...put on a less-tired face. Oh boy, I could use a few more minutes!

8:49 am:       "SHIT! Is that the time?!  Let's dry that hair, Amy and pray no one shows up early!"                      (Speaking of praying, 'Dear Lord, I hope I'm not the only person who talks to herself!')

8:55 am:       More chicken-like activity as I run around lighting candles and tossing things behind closed doors to give the appearance of someone who has all her shit together.

9:01 am:       Ready as I'm gonna be. Let them come.             DING DONG!