Friday, October 19, 2012

Breakfast at Amy's

I'm sure if my friends were polled they'd say I have my shit pretty much together. I live in a nice house, I wear decent clothes, blah, blah, blah. But, like most people, or so I hope, I often run around like the proverbial chicken with it's head cut off when prepping for guests. I recently invited a few friends over for breakfast. A get together for my local mom friends. This is how the day began:

Daughter:      "Mom, I'm scared."

Me:               "You'll be fine, but let me be clear, you HAVE to get on the bus today.
                      I CAN NOT drive you to school."

Daughter:      "Why not?" (complete with tears and exhausting eight-year-old drama)

Me:               "Because I'm having friends over this morning and have too much to do to drive you and get back home to do everything I need to do."

Daughter:     (more crying)

I'll save you the agonizing details of the next 30 minutes which it took to get her dressed, make lunches, offer food, and convince my daughter to get herself on the school bus. In the end, she did it. The bus came on time, whisking my children off to school, leaving me with an ample 85 minutes before my friends started arriving.

7:35 - 8:00 am: Preheat the oven and straighten the house, picking up the various articles of clothing and breakfast dishes left on the counter or tossed in the sink by my kids.  Doesn't anyone else know how to locate a dishwasher?

Now if you don't know the following about me, you haven't been reading my blog posts. Either that or your memory is as failing as mine as previously discussed in My Brain is Fried.

"Hi, my name is Amy, and I am a procrastinator."

As much as I try, (okay, trying might be a little bit of a stretch but just go with it) I can't seem to change my evil procrastinating ways.  Regardless, I did in fact pre-assemble the night before one of the egg dishes I planned to serve. Granted, it was required by the recipe to sit overnight. Otherwise I'd surely be scrambling (no pun intended) to do that the morning in question as well but, yes, pre-made nonetheless.  Yay, Me!  Also, I have awesome friends who were bringing lots and lots of goodies to devour during our gathering so I had only one other item to bake. I spent the next 20 minutes making another egg dish for my gluten-free friends and readying my house one last time for their arrival.

8:30 am:       Yikes, time to shower...dress...put on a less-tired face. Oh boy, I could use a few more minutes!

8:49 am:       "SHIT! Is that the time?!  Let's dry that hair, Amy and pray no one shows up early!"                      (Speaking of praying, 'Dear Lord, I hope I'm not the only person who talks to herself!')

8:55 am:       More chicken-like activity as I run around lighting candles and tossing things behind closed doors to give the appearance of someone who has all her shit together.

9:01 am:       Ready as I'm gonna be. Let them come.             DING DONG!

Tuesday, June 5, 2012

Will Run For Mimosas

I was never a runner.

In high school I joined the indoor track intramural sports program.  From what I remember we were not timed ever but, rather, simply let loose in the halls of the high school.  For me, my friends joined so I did too.  Simple.  Afterwards, come to think of it a few times we went during, (since this was back in the day when parents - and clearly school officials - didn't worry about security or kidnapping) we would run through a trail by the school which conveniently led to Mickey D's where we'd reward ourselves with milkshakes and fries.  Basically it was a social outlet, which is the only reason I was there because, again, I was no runner.

Fast forward many years to 2011 and a friend told me about a 5K race for women only called Run Like a Mother.  Are you kidding?  I can't run a half mile...but I'll do it for the t-shirt alone!  Funny thing how motivating a cute shirt can be.

So I started "training" on the treadmill following the six-week to 5K schedule on the race website.  And you know what?  I did that race and I loved it.  Okay, not the running part.  That sucked.  But the comradery of all the mothers, sisters, daughters and friends doing something together to better themselves on Mother's Day, the official race t-shirt and, most of all, the mimomas afterward.

I completed my first 5K in a respectable time.  But I still didn't call myself a runner.

This year, I trained again for the same 5K and actually started running on the road.  Until last year, the only time I'd ever run on the road any distance at all was the race itself.  I had a history of shin splints dating back to the milkshakes and fries era and was paranoid.  As it turns out, I get shin splints easier from walking than running.  In Florida, several weeks before race #2, my husband ran with me for the first time in our 20 plus years together.  It was fun.  Brutal, but fun.  I was feeling better prepared for the race, now running 2-1/2 to 3 miles.  Hmmm.  Maybe I was becoming....  Naaaah.  This is me we're talking about.

Then I did something crazy.  I signed up for another 5K only a week after the Mother's Day race.  I would never have planned for it, but the race was in memory of Julia Malsin, a remarkable young lady who passed away earlier this year.  The course for Julia's Run was intimidating to this non runner, but after reading something Julia's mom had written about her struggles and determination to make a difference after her daughter's death I felt completely ridiculous for remotely hesitating about this so-called "challenge."

So I ran both races.  A week apart.  Mimosas after the first, breakfast with the family after the second.  Life was pretty good.  And for the first time, I was starting to believe in myself.  I had three 5K races under my belt in a year's time.  Not too shabby if I do say so myself. 

And then a funny thing happened.  Having done two 5Ks in one week, I started looking for others.  I was becoming a 5K junkie.

I found one close by happening about 10 days later.  So I signed up for that one too.  Now before you go thinking I'd really lost it at this point, let me share that this last race was famous for one thing: FLATNESS.  It was marked as an easy course which, therefore, had my name written all over it.  Plus, let's not forget, there was a t-shirt involved.

There I was, making great strides (pun partially intended) in my new outlook on fitness.  Life was good.  I went out early one morning to run just two days before the flat 5K.  I should have taken it as a sign when the GPS signal on my iPhone app indicated "poor" strength.  Or when this same app was telling me I was running a 3-1/2 minute mile instead of my usual 9-something.  I wasn't.  Clearly, this app was OFF that I should have been as well.  And here's why.

A mile and a quarter into my final pre-race run, on a remote road in my neighborhood, I slipped on a patch of wet leaves and rolled my ankle.

Down.  I.  Went.

Oh, it was not pretty.  And I have the pictures on Facebook to prove it.  (Hee hee.  Yes, amidst the chaos and my own humiliation, I took pictures.  And posted them.)  I do pray, however, that no one checks the security footage at the gate in front of the driveway where I fell.  Or if they do, that they're not drinking coffee at the time for they'll undoubtedly spray a mouthful of it onto their video screen witnessing this dumb blonde sprawled out on the road before them, picking leaves and dirt off her bloodied knee and elbow.  It was a doozy all right.

Maybe I was getting a little carried away.  Maybe I needed a break and this was my cosmic sign.  Either way, no flat 5K for me!

I'm fortunate.  It was only a minor sprain, and I get to wear this lovely aircast when I walk for another week or so.  And I have the battle scars of a runner to carry with me in the future. 

Will I run again?  You betcha.

My friends and I are discussing running the Disney Princess 1/2 Marathon in February.  Here's the shocking thing...I think I can do it!   

Me!  The Non Runner!

It's a funny thing when you start to believe in yourself.  It's never too late.

So for all you able-bodied non runners out there, I have something to share.  You can do it too.  How do I know?  Because I couldn't run a half a mile 15 months ago and now I'm about to start training (yes, when the aircast comes off) for something much bigger than I ever dreamed possible.  Will it suck?  Probably.  But I'll do it for the t-shirt...the mimosas...the pictures with Disney characters...and the amazing time I'll share and treasure with friends for the rest of my life.

I am a runner.  There, I said it.

Friday, May 25, 2012

Greetings from Gumdrop Falls

I was born in Gumdrop Falls. Granted that was not the given name of our town at the time.  Nor is it now.  But when my friend Jennifer first referred to our quaint New England town by that name, well, it just stuck. 

When I mentioned this fictional name to my husband he said, "I don't get it.  There are no falls and we don't sell gumdrops."  Really?!  Hopefully my readers are a little more creative.... And for all I know, The Old Store (pictured above) may actually sell gumdrops!  Anywho...

If you're not familiar with Gumdrop Falls, I'll give you a little mental tour.  There is one (I repeat, one) school where preschoolers and eighth graders alike attend.  The big transition to middle school occurs by traveling, not across the street or to another building but, rather, down a flight of stairs.  I kid you not.  High school, however, is attended outside town lines. 

When my husband and I first returned to my birthplace, after spending the previous five years in Washington, D.C., I was shocked to learn there was not a CVS pharmacy in town.  In truth we moved from Gumdrop Falls to the next town over (one with a CVS I might add) when I was only six months old, so my memory of it thirty some odd years later was virtually nonexistent.  The closest pharmacy is a 15-minute car ride away, which can feel like an eternity when your child is screaming and needs his medicine.  In fact, aside from the local I.G.A, a bank, post office, a couple churches, library, and a few other small businesses, to get pretty much anywhere outside this idyllic community takes 15 minutes or more. 

This Cheers-like locality, where nearly everyone knows your name, has been home for my family for more than a decade, and it is from here where I share stories of my small-town life with you.

Monday, May 14, 2012

My Brain is Fried!

Remember the 80's commercial with the egg? "This is your brain."  Then the egg is dropped into a sizzling skillet, "This is your brain on drugs."

First, let me start off by saying, No, I am NOT doing drugs!

But, yes, my brain is fried.  And it took my friend's blog and her link to this nearly two-year-old New York Times article to find out why.

It's been going on a few years now.  My inability to remember the simplest of things.  Just yesterday I was at a 5K race and someone came up to me who I've met and I knew I knew her.  I could tell you where I met her and who our mutual friends are.  But for the life of me, I couldn't remember her name until hours later when I was back home.  Ellen! 

It's beyond frustrating.  I was concerned enough to mention it to my doctor a while back to be sure I didn't have some form of early onset Alzheimer's.  I have trouble remembering why I walked into the kitchen or what I was going to say next.  I've driven the wrong direction when heading out for an errand or dropping a friend's child off at a house I've been to a hundred times.  It's not all the time, and maybe it's not even every day, but certainly enough for me to think, this can't be normal.  Actually, it turns out, it is.  At least in my case.

Where our brains are concerned, a lack of sleep certainly doesn't help keep things fresh.  And sure, it can't hurt to try taking vitamins for long as I remember to take them.  But the real culprits, so it seems, are also my favorite gadgets: my iPhone, iPad, and the television.  (My inner voice screams, 'the iPad? Say it isn't so!')

Simply put, our brains need a break.  Makes sense, right?  I mean, they don't call them Crackberries for nothing.  When I'm at home alone all day and want to have some connection with the outside world, the first thing I do is open my iPad.  I'm surprised someone hasn't invented a way to strap this thing to my body because I carry it with me everywhere.  Well, no, not everywhere.  The bathroom is generally off limits.  But close.

Don't get me wrong, I am in NO WAY saying iPads, or iPhones or anything of the techno-gadgety sort are bad.  They are the way of the future and I am 100% on board.  But, like everything else, moderation, moderation, moderation.

If you were to peer into a window each night at my house (no, this is NOT an invitation to do so), you would probably see the following: the television would be on channel X, Y, or Z while I sit on the couch with my iPad playing some mindless game (hmmm, starting to see the connection too?) while my husband looks up occasionally from his laptop at the kitchen table behind me where he agonizes over ads, spreadsheets, etc.  Work stuff.

Now there is no telling my husband to put away his computer when he has work to be done, but I can certainly focus my brain on one activity or the other, not both.

Yes, my brain is fried. But at least now I know why. And I can do something about it!

So tonight, I'll put away my e-games when the kids go to sleep.  I won't check Facebook.   I won't Draw Something or text anyone.   I know I won't wake up in the morning remembering everything I need, but it's a start.  Baby steps....

Monday, April 2, 2012

Laughter is the best medicine.

Gretchen Rubin is the author of The Happiness Project.  The idea for her book was not unlike my own blog concept at the beginning of the year: to list all the things I'm grateful for and see the transformation which can occur from the inside out.

Today on Gretchen's Facebook wall she asked the question, "What do you wish you did more on a regular basis"  I was suprised to see out of the 130 comments, only one other person had something even remotely like my response, "Laugh. At myself, at others, or just in general."

I recently learned someone said something unkind about me. Most of us are guilty of a bit of gossip now and then, and I'm sure this happens more often than I'd ever want to know yet, even so, it bothered me greatly.  I envy all those who can easily shrug off these moments in life.

So today, after reading Gretchen's blog, I'll follow my own wish.  I'll laugh.  At myself.  At others.  And just in general.

Thursday, March 8, 2012

The Little Things

Sometimes when we look for things for which to be grateful we search inside ourselves for the big kahunas. The day changers. Other times we realize it can simply be the little things which make us the happiest. Today was a 'little things' kind of day, which began at the bus stop.

1. I am thankful my son still takes and holds his sister's hand as they cross the street to get on the bus each morning. This small, but critical for safety in my mind's eye, gesture tells me I'm doing a pretty decent job. At least for now. Or until dinner time when my daughter will inevitably whine that I'm making a meal she doesn't like and she wants chicken nuggets instead! Breathe, Amy. Just breathe.

2. I'm thankful for the Z-Pak. You know when you go to the doctor's because you've been feeling lousy for three weeks but have been too busy making sure everyone else is okay you ignore yourself? It's a mom thing. We all do it. So by the time you're finally at your appointment, listening to the doctor, you're actually hoping she tells you something's wrong? That was me today. So, yippee, I got my wish. Sinus infection = Z-Pak. Hopefully this will drive away all the headaches and overall crappy feeling once and for all!

3. I'm thankful when my husband makes it home on time for me to leave the house without feeling rushed to get to my monthly girl's get together affectionately called drunko. Whoops, typo, I mean Bunco. Ha ha. In truth, there is alcohol but I have yet to see someone labeled drunk. Clumsy perhaps, as I personally tipped over a glass of wine a couple months back, but that's as far as it goes. Overall, it's just a wonderful reason to get together with the ladies, and gab and snack while rolling a few dice.

4. I'm thankful it's no longer a full moon because there was actually a moment today in the Rite Aid parking lot when I was looking around to make sure a) I wasn't getting Punk'd and b) I wasn't about to get carjacked by a hidden partner of a lady who drove up, introduced herself just before I was about to get in my car, and began telling me her complete life story. No joke. My hairdresser told me she had a lot of crazies in yesterday. It was a full moon then. Maybe this lady was a leftover full-moon crazy? Either way, I wished her well, got in my car and locked my doors as quick as I could. I mean, really, lady. If I wasn't unknowingly part of some school psychological project, surely there are better places to get suggestions for safe places to take your son away from a soon-to-be-divorced spouse than the pharmacy parking lot!

5. Lastly I am thankful for my stamping friends who share their creativity each month. Not only do we get together to swap some amazing ideas and cards, but one of these wonderful ladies made me this fabulous iPad cover! Thank you, Suzan! You amaze me all the time with your endless talent! I'm not too savvy with a sewing machine, but I'd be happy to help you add some gadgets to your blog any time as a thank you!

Tuesday, March 6, 2012

Can you say, Cha-Ching?

As a result of my family's recent trip to Florida, I have another travel tip to share. This one falls under the do-as-I-say-not-as-I-do category. My tip is this: listen to your air hostesses/flight attendants when they tell you to check your seat-back pockets for any personal items. Oh, how I wish I heard this useful bit of wisdom before disembarking the airplane so we could have altogether avoided the loss of my daughters' pretty in pink Nintendo DSI game device, carrying case, SD card pre-loaded with her favorite tunes, along with all eight games received since Christmas 2010. Cha-ching!

I am still holding out hope, and have even enlisted the help of St. Anthony, though as each day winds down with no word from Delta Airlines I realize a reunion for my girl and her games are becoming less and less likely. But these things take time, and good things come to those who wait--at least that's what I keep telling my daughter! For now, my fingers remain crossed.

Saturday, February 25, 2012

Amy's Travel Tips!

Recently I was told I should write a book. Frankly, as flattering a comment as this is, I wouldn't have the foggiest idea what to write about. As I was leaving for a trip the next day, a friend offered a suggestion. "You should write a 'What NOT to Do Travel Book'," she said. Humph, I thought. Actually, it is a funny idea because I have had some doozy travel stories, though certainly not enough to fill a book. Yet.

With this in mind, I'll share some of my top tips (A.K.A. reasons to be grateful) when traveling:

1. Packing in advance does not necessarily mean you will remember to bring everything you need. My son packed his suitcase a good 24 hours before me and we forgot his swim trunks. I packed my items 45 minutes before we put the key in the ignition and I forgot nothing! Or, if I did, I haven't discovered it yet!

2. Should you arrive at your destination without something you need, you can almost always purchase it when you arrive. Thanks to Old Navy for our most recent quick, one-stop shopping jaunt for new UV shirts and swim trunks!

3. Should you discover the morning you are leaving for Paris that your passport expired several months prior, fear not. It IS possible to get a same-day passport AND make your evening flight. Even if it means driving to Philadelphia; talking your husband through your closet because, big shocker, you haven't packed yet; and leaving two cars in long-term parking to make it happen!

4. Should you ever arrive at Westchester Airport and realize your driver's license, and any other legitimate form of ID, is resting back at home, don't reach for the panic button. Be polite to the TSA agents because they are about to be your new BFFs. They will issue an immediate background check over the phone and ask you some basic questions (note to self, you can't ask your husband for help). If you pass the check you will feel like the luckiest person alive. Hell, maybe you are! You will be allowed to board the plane with your family and have a really great story to share with the relatives awaiting your arrival! And yes, this happened to me post 9/11!

5. FedEx is great for express shipping a driver's license, custom swimming ear plugs, or whatever else that's needed prior to the return trip home. It's quite possible that my parents now avoid my calls when I'm away in case it means they need to be put on another pronto postal mission!

Tuesday, February 21, 2012

Late Night Thanks

Today was bill day. Or rather, today was "holy shit, that's quite a stack, I better pay these bills" day, which leads me into the first item on my list of that for which to be grateful:

1. I am grateful I can pay my bills online, thus avoiding the pesky 44-cent stamps and a trip to the mailbox in my pajamas.

2. I am grateful if I find a bill is due on today's very date I can (and did!) go right to the credit card website with bank account and routing number in hand and get it there fast and free, despite there being a phone number to call with the same info and be slapped with a $15 fee...WTH?

3. I am grateful for 800#s and customer service reps armed with the power to erase late fees from my bills. Yes, I said bills plural. I admit it; there were two. It was a bad month. When CS rep #2 informed me I'd already used my special one-time-exception 11 months ago, I asked for a manager and lo and behold, the power was granted and the fee waived.

4. I am grateful for having the patience to make said phone calls. Having worked in customer service right out of college, not only was I lucky enough to meet my future husband but, it was there I learned that people with headsets can RULE THE WORLD! Okay, maybe that's getting a little carried away....

5. Lastly, at least on this subject, I'm grateful that I am free from my bill paying duties for another few weeks.

6. I'm grateful for my scrapbook pals because after five years since taking an anniversary trip to Paris, I am NEARLY ready to order my book. Just a few more journaling additions and tweaks from the writer....

7. I am thankful I'm not Cinderalla because the clock is striking twelve and I am not dashing down some stairs in only one shoe!

8. Ahhh, fleece sheets. Okay, seriously. How many times do I need to be thankful for the puppies before you realize their greatness and go out and buy yourself a set?!?

9. I'm thankful I can hit the send button and know I am out for the count. Now if I can just keep my eyes open long enough....

10. I'm grateful for my friends who read my blog! Thank YOU and good night!!

Monday, February 20, 2012

Merci Beaucoup!

1. I am thankful for realizing I am stronger than I give myself credit. Whether it's inadvertently taking a spring trip alone to Jamaica (long story, ask me about it some day), having to put our family cat to sleep, or most recently dealing with lice while my husband's out of town, I know I can get through life's challenges even if I question it at the time. Then again, maybe it's true that God only gives you as much as you can handle because these examples seem pretty weak now that they're jotted down! LOL

2. I am thankful for sunny days.

3. I am thankful for sleeping in on the weekends. I am basically an early bird and once I'm up, I'm up. However, this weekend I took TWO opportunities to catch a few more morning ZzzzS...and it was awesome!

4. I am thankful I finally got to sit down to enjoy my Russell Stover's caramel and chocolate heart. A few days late, but worth the wait nonetheless.

5. I'm thankful for a great night out with friends over the weekend at La Zingara in Bethel, CT. If you haven't yet dined at this hidden gem of a Northern Italian restaurant, find an excuse (i.e. "It's Wednesday!") and go!

6. I'm thankful for movies on demand. "Midnight in Paris" is a delightful stroll through the City of Love and Lights. This quiet, yet wonderful film reminded me of another lesser-known Woody Allen favorite of mine called, "The Purple Rose of Cairo". There's something so intriguing about blending one's present day life into the past!

7. I am oh-so-thankful for chocolate. Should there ever be a call for participants in a study to weigh the benefits of chocolate and our mental health, sign me up!

8. I am thankful for the few nights we sit together as a family for a meal and look forward to more.

9. I am thankful for the second zone of heat we now have in our kitchen which keeps me from layering on the fleece.

10. I am happy whenever I get to share my love of the iPad with a friend. Hmmm, tough question as the iPad3 is about to be released: to buy or not to buy? Okay, maybe not so tough! Ha ha!

Friday, February 17, 2012

Happy Valentine's Day to Me!

It's been a few days since I've shared my thoughts of thanks, but I've been a little busy. You see, I woke up on Valentine's Day morning expecting it to be like any other day.

I gave the kids their Valentine's Day treats, rushed them off to school, did my P90X, and before I knew it, it was time to head to school for my daughter's class party. I entered the school as my daughter was walking down the hall on her way to the nurses's office for an itchy head. This would have caused me some alarm but she'd been in there rather frequently for cough drops, bandaids, and the like, so what's a little itch? She said she wanted to go alone so I went to the class to meet up with the other parents. Yada, yada, yada the nurse calls the teacher, who waves me over and right then I knew. I silently screamed, "Noooooooooooo!" Yup, my daughter had lice.

I could just feel the parental eyes on me as I gathered my daughter's belongings and willed myself to remain calm. I passed a friend who asked what was wrong and I told her. Hell, this was breaking news for our itty bitty school so I may as well face the music up front. I pulled both kids out of school and headed to CVS for the dreaded box of Rid at the nurse's suggestion. My son calmly read the instructions on the drive home while tears poured down my daughters face. While the chemical laden treatment shampoo did its thing, I raced around bagging pillows, comforters, stuffed animals, etc. to toss in the garage. I then ripped the beds apart and threw everything I could into the washing machine. Load after load I washed away any hidden signs of the creepy little buggers but I still had to tackle the hair. Ugh. I called a friend, cried a little, and settled in for the job ahead. After two hours I'd only gotten through halfway through her head, the kids hadn't eaten dinner, and I was beside myself. Did I mention my husband was away on a business trip? Happy Valentine's Day to me!

At this point I would have paid $1000 to make this problem go away so I texted a couple friends to get the numbers of people they'd used, actual professionals, who knew what the hell they were doing. One of these friends even came to my house armed with some of her supplies. Now THAT'S a friend! It meant the world to me. In the meantime I made an appointment with "The Lice Lady of Westchester" for the following morning. She told me over the phone exactly what I needed to do at home and talked me down from the ledge. I went to bed, feeling icky still, but hopeful for the first time in hours.

I won't bore you with all the nitty (pun intended) gritty details but I will tell you that since seeing the "Lice Lady" I am now quite knowledgeable in the field. She checked the three of us and treated Sophia completely so when we walked out of the salon there wasn't a single visible egg upon her head. She charges $100 an hour. It took us an hour and a half. The kids watched Toy Story on DVD while she went to work. It was stress free and WORTH EVERY PENNY, including the hour long drive it took us to get to the salon in Elmsford, NY.

Before concluding with this week's examples of gratitude, I want to tell you if this should happen to you in the future, be sure to call Anna Krosche, The Lice Lady of Westchester. Her products are nontoxic and her services are 100% guaranteed. Then call me because I now know, a friendly, understanding, experienced voice can make all the difference.

1. I am thankful for my dear friends who offered up their sympathies, suggestions, and shoulders to help me through a very rough day.

2. I am thankful for The Lice Lady, Anna Krosche and her associate Emily who were not only kind, but efficient and reassuring beyond words. I would not have been able to get through this so quickly or easily without them!

3. I am thankful for my daughter who endured this trying time without a single complaint, even offering her apologies. which I could only reply, "Oh sweetie, it's not your fault!"

4. I am thankful for one special friend of my daughter's who sent a note to cheer her up and see when she'd be back in school. When girls can be so cruel, it's refreshing to see someone speak with her heart. Kudos to her mom for a job very well done!

5. I am thankful for this lesson which, until it happened in my home, would make my skin crawl with the mere mention of it. It's no mistake lice is a four-letter word, but when you have the right tools (Terminator Nit Free comb and Happyheads nontoxic shampoo, Pantene Classic Conditioner, and baking soda) you quickly realize it's an inconvenience, for sure, but extremely small potatoes compared with what others have faced in my town alone.

Monday, February 13, 2012

Bedtime thanks

Let's see if I can get this posted before midnight, shall we?

1. Today I'm thankful for completing another day of Tony Horton's torture. Actually, it was yoga so it wasn't as hard as it was long. (Oh my, there's an inappropriate joke there for the taking! And to think my mother reads this!! LOL)

2. I'm thankful I was able to help out not one but two friends today! Just no-big-deal things, but it's nice to be someone over the age of 11!

3. I'm thankful I will be waking up to a chocolate Russell Stover's treat at my bedside, a tradition carried out first by my parents which I now pass on to my kids -- and myself when my hubby is traveling!

4. I continue to be thankful for my rearranged family room. It makes me smile every day. What can I say? It's the little things....

5. I am thankful for my family's health as well as happy to hear my friend's awesome health news. Is there anything better??

Ooh, I did it! With two minutes to spare! :-)

Sunday, February 12, 2012

Two days worth of thanks

1. I'm thankful for NOT sliding down any hills in my car or having to cancel any weekend plans since the snow we were supposed to receive never quite materialized.

2. I'm thankful I was able to get together for a fun night out with the ladies.  As the saying goes, "When the cat's away, the mouse drinks bellinis with friends." Well, that's my version any way!

3. I'm thankful for Facebook which offered speedy confirmation that I was indeed one of the, hopefully, few saps to hand over money today to a complete stranger. Yes, that's right, I fell for it. After all, it was only $3 so I truly thought I was helping out a fellow female. In the brief moment before suspicion set in, I imagined her buying her child a coveted Big Mac, or whatever $3 can get you at Mickey D's. I've been called naive (tonight, in fact, by my oh-so-sympathetic-and-supportive husband) but I'm embarrassed to admit I'm still quite shocked I hadn't heard of this before since, come to find out, it's apparently quite common in this particular Home Goods parking lot in Danbury, CT. I'd like to believe by posting my experience here on my blog that I might prevent another trusting, non-suspecting person from doing the same.

4. I'm thankful I only gave away $3 and look forward to being "tested" in a similar manner again so I can look them in the face and say, "fool me once...." Then again, maybe I'll just leave my window rolled up and drive on by waving a twenty at them through the window!

5.  I'm thankful for a great afternoon spent with my dear friend, Tracey, who I will forever remember as the caring 10-year-old girl who refused to take part in "Let's Be Mean to Amy Day" on the school bus. Sadly the meanness of girls remains throughout our lives but if you're lucky, like me, you'll be surrounded with a few true friends to get you through the BS.

6. I'm thankful to be spending Valentine's Day with my two greatest loves: my children.

7. I'm thankful the holiday is approaching when it's socially acceptable to sit around popping one chocolate after another!

8. I'm thankful I found my favorite pair of gloves which I misplaced for a long, and cold, 24 hours.

9. I'm thankful for where you can buy ANYTHING and pay only $2.95 shipping! I can't wait for my new chair to arrive!

10. It's been a tough few weeks in our town. First we lost 13-year-old Julia Malsin, and this weekend we learned a beloved teacher, Pat Warde, had an unexpected heart attack and passed away as well. In these days of sadness I'm thankful for the sweetness of my daughter who asked me today, "Mommy, why are so many people dying in the month of joy?" Good question, sweetheart.

Saturday, February 11, 2012

Go ahead, be grateful!

When bad things happen to good people, why do we automatically feel guilty for being grateful for what we have? It's human nature since it may seem like we're 'boasting' while others are in pain. But in times of trouble, whether the causes are economical, global, or personal, it's not just okay but crucial that we pause to take inventory of what's important in our lives.

Go ahead. Give yourself permission to be grateful. Somedays it's harder than others, particularly if the kids are sick, the car won't start, or you've missed an appointment. But I firmly believe being grateful helps us get through the tough days a little easier. I look forward to reviewing these posts a while from now and, with any luck, it will remind me what a full life I have, making any difficult days just a tad better.

1. I'm thankful for achy muscles which remind me that my return to working out is not only work, but working. I wonder, as a P90X grad, when I complete round two, will I earn a masters?
2. I'm thankful for my children's excited faces when I suggested fireplace s'mores for dessert!
3. I'm thankful the marshmallows stayed on the sticks!
4. I'm thankful for my Bamboo stylus which makes editing on my iPad easier than ever!
5. I'm thankful for snow...but hope it doesn't mess up plans for GNO tomorrow!

(P.S. I had trouble posting this last night so it is actually yesterday's list)

Thursday, February 9, 2012

Oh happy day!

I've been wanting to remove the kids' train table from our family room for a little while now. My husband, on the other hand, has been wanting to remove it practically since we first got the thing. Today my friend Maryanne came over and helped me rearrange the room completely, keeping in mind we wanted to focus on two areas: our new fireplace and the TV. With that said, here's today's list:

1. I am thankful for Maryanne who shared her hidden interior design talent with me!
2. I am thankful for our new, improved, and grown-up family room! The end result exceeded my expectations!
3. I am thankful for my moving partner because I don't know how I would have gotten that big chair downstairs solo!
4. I am thankful my husband loves the room as much as I do!
5. I'm thankful my kids like having their train-long-since-converted-to-Lego-and-Polly-Pockets table in the playroom way more than I could have imagined! Yippee all around!

Wednesday, February 8, 2012

Twice the thanks.

1. Today I'm thankful for catching up with my friend, Suzanne, after far, far too long of going without chatting. I love true friendships like ours that simply pick up where we left off and voila! We're back on track, back in each other's lives, as if no time had passed at all.

2. I'm thankful for my afternoon trip to Costco which, despite spending more money than I planned because they have the CUTEST girls spring dresses right now, caused me to bump into two friends unexpectedly.

3. I'm once more thankful for Starbuck's Caramel Apple Spice...a heavenly beverage which lifts my spirits and warms my soul. Now that's a grand(e) order -- one, remarkably, which works every time.

4. I'm thankful for a mostly clean house. If only it would last....

5. I'm thankful my kids go to a school where parents can be pretty involved if they want to be.

6. I'm thankful to have friends who inspire me creatively in so many varied and wonderful ways.

7. I'm thankful for a mild winter but am hopeful we get some snow. My skis are getting d-u-s-t-y!

8. I'm thankful caffeine comes in other forms besides coffee. My most favorite is, of course, chocolate!

9. I'm thankful I can open the fridge tonight and have options. You'd think, being in the grocery business, we'd have a packed fridge every single day. But often, and this comes from a) me not doing the food shopping myself and b) having a husband who works way too hard, I find myself without the basics: milk, bread, eggs. Tonight we're fairly stocked though and, even so, I still ask myself the dreaded daily question, 'What to make for dinner?' Decisions, decisions.

10. I'm thankful for the 'Save' button on my blog which allows me to make a meal, attend a CCD meeting, and return home to finish my list here for anyone who feels like reading it. If you've read this far, I'm thankful for YOU too!

Have a great night!

Monday, February 6, 2012

Oops, I did it again.

Another day has come and gone. Before dawn approaches (and I fall asleep holding my iPad) I'll share my list:

1. I'm thankful for hammocks and the feeling of peace and relaxation I get from lying in one.

2. I'm thankful for lunch with a friend today.

3. I'm thankful a new novel is replacing time normally spent on the computer.

4. I'm thankful for television that showcases musical talent, like The Voice, American Idol, and Smash.

5. I'm thankful to be looking forward to lunch with the ladies tomorrow.

Sunday, February 5, 2012

I'm Thankful

Being a fan of Madonna's since we used to sing Holiday on the school bus traveling to various high school tennis matches, I loved the super Bowl halftime show. It's amazing to me to hear how many people actually hated it! Bah humbug. I L-U-V Madonna! On that note...

1. I'm thankful Madonna rocked the Lucas Oil stadium while my husband excitedly watched from his seat only 20 rows up from the Giants end zone. It was comical getting his pictures and texts...I'm not sure he's ever used so many exclamation points in one night. Clearly this man is thrilled to have friends in high places! And it doesn't hurt that his team ended up winning the game!!

2. Not being a big fan of football, I am thankful for the advertising gurus who create the commercials to keep me entertained and tuned in for more. M&Ms, wiggle, wiggle, wiggle!

3. I am thankful my son who, after vehemently voicing his opposition this morning to seeing the movie Hugo, told me," that was a GREAT movie!" Maybe next time I'll get a little more credit, huh buddy? I highly recommend this movie for kids and family members of all ages.

4. I am thankful to be at home with my roaring fire and hope everyone traveling back from their parties arrives home safely.

5. I'm thankful tomorrow is another day!

In loving memory

1. Yesterday our town joined together to celebrate the life of Julia Malsin.  Friends, neighbors, and loved ones gathered in a packed room to share stories, write a note, and let Julia's family know how much this special young lady will be missed.  I am thankful to Julia for personally sharing her journey with us all this past year with such honesty, strength, and bravery.  Julia, I for one will never forget you and, judging from everyone I saw at your gathering, no one else will either.

2. So many times during Julia's memorial I was at a loss for words.  The grief was as palpable as the love.  Not speaking helped me remain composed so I am thankful for each wordless exchange, whether it was a touch on the arm, a comforting hug, or a simple smile.

3. I am thankful Heather, Mike, and Alyssa have huge support system that will help them face the days ahead.

4. Once more I find myself thankful for living in this tiny town.

On a far less serious note I will catch up with the remainder of my gratitudes from the last two days:

5. I am grateful for my first "date night" in I can't remember how long!

6. I am grateful for Stanziato's pizza and seasonal chopped salad. YUM!

7. I am grateful yet again for movies and their one-hour and fifty-minute much needed distraction from reality.

8. I am thankful for Empire Cinemas in Brewster which knows previews shouldn't add another 20 minutes to a movie!

9. I am grateful my hubby is on his way to the Super Bowl to enjoy a once-in-a-lifetime experience.  Let's hope he remembers to take lots of pictures for us little people!

10. I am thankful I will be spending a fun day with my parents and children!

Have a wonderful day everyone...thanks for reading!

Thursday, February 2, 2012


1. Another unseasonably warm day makes me thankful no one puts much stock in Punxsutawney Phil anyway!  Seriously, a groundhog?  Don't get me started on the men in top hats either.

2. After week #3 of ski lessons and a missing ski instructor, I was informed both my kids went down two black diamond trails (granted this is only Thunder Ridge, but still,) and "learned to ski backwards!"  I felt bad when Sophia told me she cried on the lift because she was scared, but thankful she held it together and made it through the lesson without falling having my name called over the intercom.  I had to promise Sophia she wouldn't be put back in that group next week however. 

3. Always thankful to learn about new must-have apps for my iPad, like DropBox, Bamboo, and GoodNotes! 

4. Thankful plans are underway for the upcoming 4th Annual SPTO Dinner Dance on March 24th at River Oaks Club.  Sherman parents, mark your calendars. It's sure to be the best one yet!

5. T.G.I.(nearly)F.  It's been a long ass week.  What's that?  Shhh.  Did you hear it too?  Ahhhh, just as I thought.  A key lime pie martini is calling my name!

Wednesday, February 1, 2012

Fast Five Part II

It's getting late and I'm tired so I'll save the chit chat for another day. Until then, here's my latest list of gratitudes:

1. I am thankful today I finally sat down and created the annual Caraluzzi calendars. This gift, once given in person on Christmas Day, now arrives several weeks after. Because of this, I'm thankful I can customize each calendar to begin in February since January has now come and gone. While on the subject I'm thankful for express delivery!

2. I'm thankful my daughter seemed to reach a major turning point tonight in her reading and has decided she might enjoy it after all!

3. I'm thankful for a ridiculously warm, albeit damp, February 1st. Could this be Mother Nature's of way of asking for forgiveness for socking us with a blizzard in October? Come on, Punxsutawney Phil, don't let me down again!

4. I'm thankful for my kidsitters so we can enjoy time out with friends knowing our children are in great hands and having fun too.

5. I'm thankful my husband, working as hard as he does, can be treated to (get this) a private plane ride to...wait for it...the SUPER BOWL! I don't even like football and I'm jealous!

Tuesday, January 31, 2012

What day is it anyway?

Usually I'm on vacation when I can't recall the day of the week but somehow, despite the fact that I'm NOT sitting by a pool in the shade of a palm tree or sipping a frozen fruity cocktail, it's happened again.  Yes, it's Tuesday which means I skipped over Monday and have some catching up to do.  Here goes:

1.  I'm thankful for friends who entrust me with their deepest, darkest secrets and those who give me sneak peeks into upcoming projects!  Mums the word, cross my heart!!

2.  I'm thankful for living in a town that's so small I can wave to no fewer than five parent friends on the way to school on any given day.

3.  In regards to #2: I'm thankful for baseball caps!

4.  I'm thankful for being invited to book group tonight so I can chat with others equally entrenched in the Hunger Games craze.  I'll finish book #3 today and will be sad to leave the lives of Katniss, Peeta, and Gail...but excited for the movie coming in March!  Watch the trailer HERE!

5.  I'm thankful after a couple extra days of fixes our new fireplace is complete!  Bring on the marshmallows!

6.  I'm thankful for online ordering and delivery.

7.  I'm thankful for Twining's Christmas Tea with honey and the caffeine within which will help me accomplish several extra tasks today.

8.  I'm thankful for deadlines, without which many of my projects would remain unfinished!

9.  I'm thankful a certain younger sister will be surrounded by her friends today as she returns to school.

10.  I'm thankful for "Daddy Boot Camp" which, in my absence, got my son to try two new vegetables (and like them!) and my daughter to stay in her room at night...even if it means she now sleeps in a tent!

Sunday, January 29, 2012

A grateful, albeit heavy, heart

I took the kids to church today.  As I looked around I couldn't help but notice other tear filled eyes.  It seemed like others were feeling a loss of spirit as well.  I tried to sing but the words didn't come out as they usually do.  My heart is a bit heavier today but still, I have much to be grateful for:

1. My own children at my side who remind me what's important.

2. Daytime naps--they're not just for toddlers!

3. Grape lollipop kisses and sticky fingered bear hugs.

4. The death of a child is the hardest loss any parent must endure.  I don't know how someone gets through that level of grief, but I know several who have so I know it is possible.  I'm thankful I live in a tight knit community whose members are already looking for ways to help the Malsin family put one foot in front of the other as they face their long road ahead.  My heart goes out to Julia's family and to everyone who was blessed to know Julia and call her a friend.

5. I am grateful I believe in Heaven and angels.  When I close my eyes I picture Julia, with her huge smile, welcoming all the other children whose lives were cut too short, and taking them under her wing.  I BELIEVE she is sharing her beautiful spirit with all those in Heaven...just as she did here on earth.

Saturday, January 28, 2012

My Fast Five

1.  Family dinners.
2.  Comradery: hugs shared between friends.
3.  I am grateful to learn how many people not only read my last post but were touched by it as well.  We're all in this together.
4.  A glass of wine. Everything in moderation.
5.  Tickle fights with my kids.  Their laughter is truly contagious.

Friday, January 27, 2012

A sad, sad day.

Today our town lost an amazing young lady.  When you find yourself in this much sadness, it's hard to find things to be grateful I turn to my own family for today's list.

1. Kisses
2. Hugs
3. The sounds of my family's voices
4. Friends who comfort us in our mutual sadness
5. Lastly, I am truly grateful for being part of Team Julia.  Following this remarkable young lady's journey has given me a better appreciation for life.  It is through Julia's unending spirit I am reminded not to sweat the small stuff, and to cling to those close to me because we never know how long we have on this earth together. 

Rest in Peace, sweet Julia.

Thursday, January 26, 2012

Catching a cold, catching up!

It was only a matter of time before I got my first winter cold and here I am, cold and all, making up for a missing day. Instead of breaking it up into the past two days, here's a list of ten things I'm grateful for, in no particular order:

1. Rainbows
2. Lily of the Valley
3. My family's health
4. Honey in my tea
5. Our new stone fireplace
6. Clean children
7. Bubbles
8. Clean sheets
9. Black and white photography
10. Catching up with dear friends

Tuesday, January 24, 2012

My Daily Gratitudes

1. I am grateful for having a husband who's more than handy. In the olden days, back when we were first married, had no kids, and the man had five friggin weeks of vacation, Mark ripped our entire kitchen down to the bare brick walls before he and my father installed our new kitchen, including all the plumbing and electric. Now it's 14 years later and our life is a tad busier than our DC days. Even so, he does as much as he can in the little free time he has and takes pride in a job well done which, by the way, it always is.

2. As I listen to the President's State of the Union address, I am grateful for living in America where we have freedom and choice.

3. I am grateful for today's warmer temperature which makes me think of spring flowers, long walks around the neighborhood, and tennis!

4. I am grateful to be involved in Operation Bookworm, a program in my daughter's class that allows me to go in and read with the kids for an hour each week.

5. I am grateful for good books! I am currently reading the Hunger Games trilogy (just started book #3) and love being engrossed in the printed word rather than passing my time in front of the tv or the computer. Okay, now back to my book!

Monday, January 23, 2012

Gratitude at a Decent Hour

It feels so nice to be able to sit and write before midnight. Before the evening has passed into another day.

1. First I am grateful for the two-hour delay my kids had for school this morning. This extra time allowed me to visit with them much more than if I had to hurry them onto the bus, as well as to give them the treats I had bought for them.

2. I am grateful, after much trial and error, we discovered how to use a water whistle which, when used correctly, sounds amazingly like a bird singing in a rainforest. I pray neither drops theirs as each whistle is made of clay. I hate to see a fun toy become the source of tears!

3. I am grateful for my daughter's constant kisses at bedtime. This game used to annoy me because it was a blatant delay tactic but, since my return, it's sweet and wonderful. Let's see how long it remains this way! (LOL)

4. I am grateful to back in my wifi-enabled home as a week's worth of clothes spins in the dryer.

5. Lastly, I am happy to be nestled in the comfort of my king-size bed once again. Yup, heated mattress pad, fleece sheets and all! Good night y'all! ;-)

Sunday, January 22, 2012

A whirlwind of gratitude


1. I am grateful to be home safe and sound with my family!
2. I am grateful for my dear stamping friends and roommates--what a blast we had!
3. I am grateful for medical professionals who are calm under pressure, including those who helped a family on our first flight today. I hope everyone is okay. Though I will never know for sure, I am extremely optimistic based on crew reactions.
4. Speaking of reactions, I am grateful for those I received from my children when I woke them to say I'm finally home. I missed them soooo much!
5. I am grateful for having such a thoughtful husband who not only cleared the snow off the cars in our driveway but warmed them up in advance as well!


Wow, where to begin...this was a jam-packed day of fun!
1. I am thankful for all the incredible Tex Mex food I discovered in San Antonio. My taste buds, they are expanding!
2. I am thankful for my friends who ALL braved the mechanical bull at Cowboys Dance Hall! I wish they had an official timer but according to my video I beat last year's time! Yeah baby!
3. I'm happy for my dance buddy, Pam. Together we quickly picked up the Cupid Shuffle with more than 100 other line dance lovers!
4. I am thankful I still have it in me to make it to 3:30am...and probably more thankful it only happens once a year!
5. Lastly, I'm thankful in general for this final day exploring the shops, sights, sounds and flavors of San Antonio, Texas!

Friday, January 20, 2012


Tonight we ended Leadership with lots of fun!

1. Thank you Stampin' Up! for all the free goodies...I was so excited when the prize patrol picked my color band and gave me another $50 worth of goodies!

2. Had another excellent time out with the girls. Tonight we dined overlooking this beautiful city 750 feet off the ground at Tower of the Americas.

3. Thank you to my roommates for putting up with my non-stop groans from still-sore muscles from running on the treadmill. No pain, no gain as "they" say!

4. I'm looking forward to our final evening together tomorrow, but not before we shop for souvenirs for the families....

5. I'm very thankful for my wonderful team who inspire and motivate me--without you all I wouldn't have made it to Leadership this year! Merci mes amies!

Thursday, January 19, 2012

My Gratitudes

Today feels like it ran 48 hours as I think of all we did! It's late here so I'll attempt to make this short and sweet:

1. I'm grateful for my fantabulous upline Jennifer Heffernan who bestowed my group and me with a wonderful Vera Bradley luggage tag and candy to perk us up during our first long day of classes. Not to be missed is my next upline Christina Crawford. I can't wait to pick out my free set--thank you, thank you, thank you!!!!

2. I'm grateful for Stampin' Up! and especially Shelli Gardner for bringing such wonderful women together. I love that I can spot someone I haven't seen in a year and still get a hug and a cheery hello!

3. I'm grateful for the many classes we not only attend, but participate in as well (Brian Pillings, I loved the personal touch you added to your class with photos of you and your wife!)

4. I am grateful for the Wyndam rep who gave us passes to Howl at the Moon which surpassed our expectations for a fun night out. Kudos to the incredible, multi-talented musicians especially Katie!

5. Lastly, I am grateful for a new dessert the gals and I shared called Buñuelos. These delicate delights are Mexican doughnuts filled with cream, dusted with powdered sugar and then drizzled with caramel and chocolate. Can't you just taste them? I promised this would be sweet! ;-)

Wednesday, January 18, 2012

Still Grateful in San Antonio!

1. Today I am grateful to have been selected to participate in my first-ever focus group at the Stampin' Up! Leadership Conference. It was a cool experience which went much too fast.

2. I'm happy to be hanging out with friends visiting this great little city.

3. I am grateful for my morning run in the gym and achieving my personal best, running 2.75 miles without stopping--3.25 miles in all. My hips and shins are sore but achy muscles remind me that staying in shape takes effort...but the payoff is well worth it.

4. I'm happy to have had a leisurely shopping trip, scoring an awesome new pocketbook and belt with lots of BLING!

5. I'm grateful my roomies and I were in agreement tonight to take it easy before our full day of classes tomorrow. Nighty night, friends!

Tuesday, January 17, 2012

Texas sized Thanks

1. So grateful after yesterday's nail biter of travel, we were able to catch our flight out, make our mad dash connection in Atlanta and safely land in our destination city, San Antonio, this afternoon.

2. Looking forward to a much-needed restful night's sleep.

3. Thankful for today's beautiful 75-degree day which we enjoyed strolling along the San Antonio Riverwalk.

4. Thankful to be "in the margarita capital." Last count: 2 meals, 2 frozen mango margaritas...will be hitting the gym in the morning.

5. Looking forward to meet up with other friends and stampers in the morning, then attending my first ever focus group!

Monday, January 16, 2012

New Day of Thanks

Wouldn't you know on the one day I need to get myself and three friends to the airport we get a winter storm advisory/watch/warning? Whichever one of those translates to "it's worse than we thought," that's what we got. Now my friends were supposed to arrive at 4:30 am for our stamping trip but as soon as I discovered we were in for an icy pre-dawn trip we all agreed to leave at 9pm and get a hotel room near the airport. This was a great move especially since it had started snowing around 8:45pm. So here begins today's list of things for which I'm grateful:

1. My husband, for making me dinner and bringing it to me while I frantically packed my suitcase.

2. That my daughter wasn't still crying when I left the house.

3. That despite sliding down my hill and ending up stopped completely backwards (a first for me), I didn't drive over the embankment or hit any other moving or stationary objects.

4. After turning the car around and continuing to slide out of control, I pulled into a driveway with such precision it would have made Mario Andretti proud (well, my friends were and that's what counts.)

5. After a harrowing drive on 684 I'm thankful I'm now in a comfy bed awaiting my 5:30am wakeup call.

Let's hope tomorrow brings smoother travels and warmer weather!

Sunday, January 15, 2012

Déjà vu

I find myself having to play catch up for two days again. Here goes....

1. I couldn't be more ecstatic Mike from Apple called to say everything was recovered and my computer is fixed. Would it be considered inappropriate to give my new best friend a smooch when I pick it up tomorrow??

2. I'm grateful for my sister-in-law who took the kids for a few hours so I could get a thing or two accomplished. Alas, there's never enough time in the day....

3. I'm grateful for our friends who invited us over tonight for football, food and fun! Everyone needs friends who make you laugh--turns out Siri is pretty humorous as well!

4. I'm grateful my daughter has been going to bed and staying there--even if it means she has to sleep backwards!

5. I'm grateful for my family's health.

1. I'm honored to have had a heart-to-heart phone conversation with a dear friend--that she feels comfortable to confide in me means so much.

2. Happy to have a friend over for my son which kept both my kids and the friend laughing and playing for hours without even stopping for a snack. Thank you Lego!

3. Happy to have enough free time to curl up with a blanket, a cup of tea, and a good book! Reading is a luxury I haven't afforded myself lately but I working on it!

4. Grateful for my Kindle which allows me to put the second book in the trilogy in my hands without ever leaving home!

5. Lastly, I'm grateful my children let me be this morning until 8:00am before their daily demands began.

Friday, January 13, 2012

Today and Before.

Today. But first, the prologue:

As I was sitting at the Apple Genius Bar this afternoon being told my external harddrive was mysteriously void of files, I was frankly pretty hardpressed to find something for which to be grateful. All had been fine with my external harddrive last month when I called Apple to see why my computer was slow. I was instructed to partition, a.k.a. change around, my external harddrive. Yada yada yada, I listened to Apple, and now it's all gone. Perfect.

My mind raced through the thousands of photos spanning several years of my children's history and family vacations never to be viewed again. That's when the first tear came. The genius looked at me sympathetically (as best he could being 20-something-years old and having no kids of his own) as he handed me a business card of a company in CA which "may or may not be able to retrieve the photos and will cost A LOT." That was the straw that broke this camel's back. As the tears came I desperately wanted to transport myself immediately out of the store. As I thanked my oh-so-helpful Genius (really?) and made my way out, avoiding all eye contact with anyone else, I felt a tap on the shoulder. Genius had brought a friend. He and his Manager wanted to take one more look at my laptop and see what they could do. Fine.

1. First I was thankful for having been loaned by a friend The Hunger Games which allowed me to distract myself long enough to take deep breaths and begin to hope for a small miracle.

2. Next I was thankful to be introduced to "Mike" who I'd seen before and was now taking a look at my computer. This guy really knows his shit. I mean Apple products.

3. I was thankful to then hear the words, "I don't want to get your hopes up, but I may have found your photo library." Mike. Buddy. Pal. Too late. I'm not just hoping, I'm FaceTiming God right now!

4. After Mike got my files to start copying he suggested I grab a cup of coffee while I wait the two hours it was estimated to take to retrieve all my photos. "It's been a long day, I think I'll go home and come back, okay?" "Thanks!"

5. Lastly, as my computer still remains at Apple, I am truly thankful for Mike and plan to write a glowing letter of praise since he not only found my files but will be making a few other modifications "Apple doesn't normally do" to get my laptop back up, complete with photos and running better than before. Yippee! Did I mentioned there was no charge since I have a warranty? (Insert mental image of me doing my very best happy dance here.)

In conclusion, I don't care what anyone says about Friday the 13th. This was by far the luckiest day I've had in ages!

Yesterday 1/12/12: not nearly as dramatic, but still worthy of thanks.
1. I am thankful for a night with the ladies and a little excuse to get together once a month called Bunco.
2. I am thankful for my husband who doesn't give me a hard time for leaving. Maybe he needs a break from me (gasp!)...either way, grateful.
3. Grateful to talk openly about many different subjects, be it the latest novels, parenting frustrations, playdate protocol, house renovations...just happy not to hear myself say, "Because I said so!" if only til tomorrow.
4. Once again I am grateful for my friends, in particular our host who also happens to make a mean batch of toffee! YUM!
5. Thankful to make it safely home to my family despite the heavy fog.

Wednesday, January 11, 2012

Gadget Gal Gives Thanks

1. I am thankful for technology. Did I mention I'm a bit of a gadget girl? I wouldn't say I'm a nerd because I don't know how things work, just how to use them. I find it amazing to see science fiction movies and James Bond accessories of the past come to life and the fact that my kids get to grow up learning it cool!

2. I am thankful for Bridgewater chocolate. This local gem is put in my stocking each year. If you like choocolate like I do, you should check it out. The retail store is in Brookfield, CT. It's in my top 5 (perhaps 3) chocolate brands.

3. I am thankful for emails that bring good news.

4. I am happy when I finish a good book so I can start another. Anyone have a good recommendation?

5. I am thankful for having a good insurance policy. Though spending 2+ hours at the dentist's office today isn't going on any list of top ten afternoons, I'll take spending 50% to adorn my tooth with a royal chapeau, instead of 100%, any day.

Tuesday, January 10, 2012

Parent Ingenuity and More

In case you're wondering, yes, this is my second post of the day but I skipped yesterday and am making up for lost time.

1. Today I'm thankful for a little thing called parent ingenuity. When my DD was having her usual hissy fit about doing her homework, I took out my iPhone and simply asked if I should take a video and send it to her teacher.

Man, that girl can move when she wants to!

2. I'm thankful for nights when my children's bedtime comes quickly and is accomplished without frustrated whines or overtired tears.

3. I'm thankful for the ticking of the clocks which reminds me that silence is indeed a beautiful thing!

4. I am thankful the selection of eyeglasses has dramatically increased over the years which allowed my DD to choose her first pair of readers with BLING!

5. Finally, I am thankful for fleece sheets!

On Taking Down the Tree...

1. I am grateful no lamps, vases or other accessories were broken as I forced my petrified tree through the much smaller door opening.

2. I am grateful for finding two remaining ornaments on the bottom branches before I hauled our once-prized tree off to the Christmas tree graveyard out back.

3. I am grateful my central vacuum didn't get clogged from the millions of needles which lay strewn about in the removal aftermath.

4. I am grateful now that the tree is out of the house, taking down the rest of the holiday decorations won't be nearly as daunting...or dangerous.

5. Finally, as much as I truly love the Christmas season, I am grateful not to have to go though this all again for another 365 days!

Sunday, January 8, 2012

Five Things For Which I'm Grateful

In no particular order...

1. Borgatti's ravioli direct from Arthur Avenue and Bert's homemade tomato sauce good enough to drink.

2. My sister, Renée. We live on opposite coasts and are different from each other in more ways than I can count, but no matter how much time lapses between visits or conversations I know we can count on each other for the rest of our lives.

3. Google--for bringing me answers when I seek them, recipes when I crave them, directions, images, and so much more!

4. Facebook--for keeping me up to date with the comings and goings of friends and family wherever they are.

5. Post-Christmas bargains at the mall. I would normally pass on a full-priced sweater for $79 at Banana Republic, but being able to get it after the holidays for $19.99? I've got one word for that...SOLD!!

Still Grateful Day 8 -- a day behind!

1. Today I am grateful to have so many different types of friends, including those who tell me I'm only a couple steps behind them and will ultimatly realize I have it pretty darn good! I realize it now, truly I do, but everyone needs a friendly reminder now and again just the same.

2. I am thankful for the health of my entire family.

3. I look forward to ski trips with family and friends to get us through the harsh CT winter.

4. I am grateful for friends with an amazing sense of humor, who can laugh at themselves and remind me not to take myself so seriously.

5. Lastly, I am grateful for Sundays which are, for the most part, family day.

Friday, January 6, 2012

Day 7

1. Yes, I'm a little bit late getting this out but I was out having fun with friends and what's better than that?!  So, tonight I am grateful I can share pretty much anything with my girlfriends! Those friends that can listen without judgement are a rare find and I am so thankful for you all!

2. Key lime martinis...need I say more?  Actually the next best thing is Ciao Bella's Key Lime Pie Sorbet complete with graham cracker pieces...yum!

3. I am thankful for my husband, that I can leave the children in the next best hands and go out for a night with the girls to unwind after a week of mommyhood.

4. I am grateful for a pretty Christmas tree though I know it's on it's last legs...

5. I am thankful for another night to come spent with friends.  Who doesn't love a surprise...this one should be fun!

Thursday, January 5, 2012

Day 6

1. I am grateful in advance to be going out with some of my favorite gals tomorrow. Key lime martinis will be icing on the cake of a sure-to-be-fun night!

2. I am thankful for movies which have the power to wisk us away from our everyday lives and transport us to another time and place.

3. I am thankful for all-things Apple. I can't imagine where I'd be without my iPhone, iPad, and my newest favorite toy, the Apple Wireless Keyboard. Sadly, the iPad is making my MacBook nearly obsolete! Thank you, Steve Jobs, from the bottom of my heart!

4. I am thankful knowing my children are safe and sound up in their beds. One of my favorite things is kissing them as they sleep and hearing the returned dreamy mumbles of "I love you too."

5. I know firsthand I am NOT smarter than a fifth grader, a fact my son's daily recounts of school reminds me each day. Today I re-learned there is a waxing gibbous moon in the sky tonight. Thanks to my sweet boy for not pointing out that I really should know these things already!

Wednesday, January 4, 2012

Day 5

1. I am grateful for a roaring propane-fueled fire I can ignite with the push of a button.  It definitely doesn't throw heat like a wood burning fire, but we lazy folk can't be too choosy now can we?!

2. I am grateful a simple hobby such as putting rubber stamps and ink to paper has led me to my upcoming trip to San Antonio, TX!  The best thing I could never have anticipated prior to joining the Stampin' Up! company ten years ago was the lasting friendships I would make!  I am so excited to be going to this year's Leadership conference with my posse and creating more memories together!!  Let's see if I can beat last year's time on a mechanical bull!  (Yee haw!)  Pictures will surely follow....

3. Every time I look at our Christmas tree I am reminded of a fun day the kids and I shared together choosing it, getting it home and inside the house, and later decorating it with all the lights and pretty ornaments we've collected over the years.  I do believe this is our best tree to date!  (Sorry, Mark, but it's true!)  Thanks to our local Dom's Nursery for having great trees available year after year.

4. As I type these gratitudes with the sound of the fire roaring behind me, I am also enjoying the sounds of my children playing so nicely together.  It doesn't happen all the time, (don't get me wrong, they are GREAT kids but they are siblings after all) so when it does it is a symphony to my ears!

5. Lastly, I am grateful for my dad who's birthday is today.  I have one particular photo of the two of us from my wedding etched in my mind's eye that reminds me I'll always be my daddy's little girl.  Happy Birthday, Dad.  I love you!

Tuesday, January 3, 2012

A Grateful Heart - Day 4

1. I am grateful for having a daughter that notices the little things. She is always quick to point out and, even better, to compliment a recent hair cut... or when I "do my eyes" for a night out...and many more occasions the other Y-chromosome-containing members of my family completely miss.

2. I am equally grateful for having a son who always knows when an extra hug or kind word is needed. He has a big heart and will one day surely make someone else as happy as he makes his mom each and every day!

3. I am grateful for Lindt Chocolate Truffles (probably chocolate in general but this delectable brand deserves extra praise) and to the women at my hair salon who shared them this morning. What a special treat to enjoy during "me" time!

4. I am thankful for my heated mattress pad which I am already looking forward to using when I crawl into bed later to alleviate the winter chill which has settled into my bones.  Is it really only the 12th day of winter?!? 

5. I am thankful for warmer days ahead as we plan for a family vacation to Florida.

Monday, January 2, 2012

Day 3

1. I am grateful my children will be returning to school tomorrow! We had a fun break including a matinee this morning of Arthur Christmas but now the sibling bickering is back so back to school they go with perfect timing!

2. I am happy listening to my husband whistling as he putters around the kitchen. In his own words he "brings home the bacon AND cooks it up in a pan." Hey, if it ain't broke.... LOL

3. I am very lucky to have both my parents still with me especially after my mom had nearly fatal congestive heart failure 14 years ago. I never thought she'd be around to see her grandchildren so I am forever happy to have had this bonus time with her and hope she continues to be a medical miracle for many more years to come!

4. I am grateful to have such generous in-laws who spoil my kids whenever they get the chance and, more importantly, truly enjoy the time they spend with them.

5. Silly as this sounds, I am grateful for Tony Horton. Or maybe I'm grateful I called QVC back in September...? Anywho. Now I'm fully aware Tony doesn't know me from a hole in the wall but he nonetheless inspires me to get off my keister, press play on the DVD player and exercise. Thanks, Tony! Five more days to go and I am officially a P90X graduate!

Sunday, January 1, 2012

A Grateful Heart

Day Two of things I'm grateful for....

1. I am grateful my children have not yet experienced the loss of a loved one.

2. I am happy for family time...even if it means arguing about which channel to select. If I were home alone I wouldn't choose to watch football or the Fittest woman on Earth, but we're together and that's what's important. We settled on the Travel Channel's Extreme Water Parks btw.

3. I am happy to have had a decent night's sleep (even if slightly pharmaceutically enhanced) and no hangover on New Year's Day!

4. Apparently I am grateful for kettlecorn, specifically Stosh's Kettlecorn in Kent, CT as I am polishing off a bag as I write this! Seriously though, this stuff ROCKS! I need to have a chat with Mr. Stosh about adjusting his serving size however -- 20 servings per container? I think not.

5. Though there are many days to come that I'll attempt to take this particular gratitude back off the list, I am truly fortunate I am able to stay at home with my children.

(This was written earlier today but as I lay in bed listening to the snoring sounds of my husband getting both his and my share of ZZZZZs, I decided to take a break from my online antics and share this with you instead.

Now back to Words with Friends!)